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An opportunity to gather, outreach and grow.

Sisterhood Connect Events are run by local Sisterhood groups in regional areas. 

These events are a great way to draw local women together and build a strong sense of sisterhood. And also to eveangelise and outriach to women who may not be in a connect group. 

These events are open to women of all ages and stages of life. 




RETREAT DAYS co-hosted by
Sisterhood & The Dominican Sisters of St Cecilia 
Saturday 21st September 
St Mary MacKillop Centre

St Williams Catholic Parish , 67 Dawson Parade, Keperra, QLD

Do you desire deeper friendship with other women? Need a community of women to support you? Hungry for spiritual food and nourishment? Need to be inspired and encouraged by the grace of God? 

Why not host a Sisterhood Connect Event in your local area or Parish? 

The Sisterhood Connect Events are locally hosted events. And can be hosted in a variety of formats from something less formal like a brunch or high tea to something more formal and structured like a retreat day or morning.  The heart of these events is to provide  a place for women to gather and grow in relationship with one another as well as receive spiritual wisdom, input and content for their daily lives. 

Some groups invite guest speakers but if you are unable to access them there is a bank of videos of talks and  connect events which you can show as an alternative. 


If you would like ideas or support in starting a connect event in your area or would like access to these videos for a connect event email the team on

To keep up to date on local events in your area follow Sisterhood on Facebook & Instagram. 

Don't forget if you are hosting an event in your area to email so we can send a shout out to all women in that region and advertise on social media. 

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