
Connect Groups
A beautiful Sisterhood community of other women, coming together to grow in their relationship with Jesus and one another.
Sisterhood Connect Groups are small groups of women who meet on a regular basis (Usually once a fortnight) in someones home.
Connect groups offer women a place of support, prayer, growth and fellowship. They provide women with an opportunity to go deeper in their relationship with God and one another as well as deepen in their spiritual formation and faith.

The Sisterhood Connect Group Starter resource is a 4 part online video based resource designed for new Sisterhood Connect groups. The resource comes with a facilitators guide, discussion questions, conversation starter cards, an icon prayer card and the sisterhood prayer cards.
Part 1: Introduction & welcome
Part 2: Sisterhood
Part 3: The pillars of the spirituality of the Sisterhood movement
Part 4: Vulnerability & connection
The cost for this resource is $50.00 per group.
Starting a Sisterhood connect group in your area is as easy as 1, 2, 3.

1/ Step
You can:
_Gather some women you know.
-Download the parish starter kit if you want to start a group in your parish.

2/ Step
Gather a group of women & decide on a day to meet.
(Most groups meet once a fortnight)

3/ Step
Register your group, order the starter pack and get started.
Guidelines for starting a group
Gather some women together. You only need three women to start a group.
Order a copy of the Sisterhood Connect Group Starter resource.
Once you have registered your group you can purchase the Sisterhood Connect Starter resource. The pack contains a 4 part online video series, complete with discussion questions and a facilitators guide as well as a prayer icon card, Sisterhood prayer cards and a conversation starter pack. For more information email info@sisterhood.org.au.
Gather a group of between 3-6 women. The goal of the small groups is to create intimacy, support and connection. Generally groups more than 5 or 6 become too large and make it harder to achieve deeper sharing.
Register your group with Sisterhood. By registering your group you remain connected with the national movement of Sisterhood, receiving regular updates on events and ideas from other groups as well as content and resources to use in your small group.
Set a day and time to meet. Generally groups meet once a fortnight but depending on the needs of the group it may be once a week or once a month.
Then get started! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email the team on info@sisterhood.org.au.